H3M's KYC 360° Dashboards offer an all-encompassing perspective on customer risk, integrating data from multiple compliance dimensions for in-depth analysis and proactive management.
Examine comprehensive risk profiles that consolidate Customer Due Diligence (CDD), Sanctions Screening, and Transaction Monitoring into a unified view. Our detailed investigative tools enable users to delve into historical data and risk profiles, uncovering patterns and trends at the individual or group level.
Additionally, geographic and group-based insights allow for targeted analysis of alert distributions, helping compliance teams focus resources effectively on areas of heightened risk.
Elevate your Know Your Customer (KYC) processes with KYC Miner, a sophisticated tool designed for flexible and precise customer risk evaluation. Customizable risk scoring structures enable tailored assessments based on a wide range of CRM parameters, fitting your unique risk management needs. Monitor changes in customer profiles and re-evaluate risk scores dynamically, either on predefined schedules or when triggered by changes in customer parameters.
Develop multiple scoring models for different customer segments, enhancing precision and relevance in your risk assessments.
Seamlessly integrate KYC scores into your broader compliance framework, guiding scenario management and transaction monitoring through risk-based alerts. Leverage machine-learning algorithms to identify key features for risk scoring, informed by historical data and past cases of sanctions and suspicious activities.
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